Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How's your innate intelligence?

Do you have faith in your body? I do. And, I have faith in your body.

Most of us know that once we were just 2 separate cells. Those 2 cells came together to form one cell. Yes, that's right... 1+1=1 in this case. That ONE cell is so unbelievably powerful that it creates, through division, multiple cells. Those multiple cells create multiple organs and systems that together make an entire person. And, most of the time, it does it flawlessly. That process is so amazing and happens every second of every day, with all species of animals. The intelligence that drives this process is called innate.

Innate is also the process that directs the function of the body. This phenomenon lies in all of us. When you cut yourself, your body heals. When you are sick, your body reacts with fever, cough, sneezing, etc. When you eat food, your body secretes necessary fluids to digest it. Your heart responds to demand and increases or decreases its output. When you injure a joint, your innate sends fluids in to repair. I think you get the picture.

Your innate is what heals your body. Or as we say, "The power that made the body, heals the body." Most of the time, if you give your body the right tools and let your body do its job, you will get well faster and stay healthier longer. Have faith in your innate and see what it can do.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Would you rather be.....

Would you rather be Happy or Just not sad?
Would you rather be Intelligent or Just not dumb?
Would you rather be Energized or Just not tired?
How about Healthy or Just not sick?

Get the point? There is a significant difference between your two options. You can work towards a desirable outcome, or you can just try to avoid a negative one. The same thing goes for being symptom free or fully functioning. How many times have you heard the phrase "he was perfectly healthy then he had a heart attack"? Was that person healthy or just symptom free? Would you rather be healthy (or working towards better health), or merely symptom free with a heart attack waiting to happen?

Just like you can be symptom free but not healthy, you can have symptoms while functioning well. Let me give you an example...

You have eaten something bad at a picnic. Several hours later you are vomiting and have diarrhea. Are you sick? Not at all. Yes, you have symptoms, but you aren't sick. You body is functioning properly to try to rid itself of something that it doesn't want. Your symptoms are the proper function of your body. So, what happens when you take a medication to stop these symptoms? You are allowing the invader to stay in the body longer - when your body clearly wants it out.

Knowing why your body is doing something will help you understand your path to better health.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Welcome to the "For the love of all that is Healthy" Blog.

I am Dr. Debra Bell of Whole Family Chiropractic in Cary, NC. My passion is health; especially children's health. I plan to use this blog to help educate people of their health choices. And, believe me, health is a choice.

The problem, as I see it, is that people are confused about health. Let's define health first....

Health is the state of function of the human body not merely the presense or absense of symptoms or illness. Health can be measured on a continuum from fabulous health to death. You are either moving in a direction toward better health or poorer health (of which the endpoint is death).

This blog is to hopefully help you make choices that will move you on the continuum toward better health.

Want better health, better choices, more energy, better sleep, fewer symptoms?